Watching The World Pass By

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7' Single on 45cat: Glass Menagerie - Do My Thing Myself / Watching The World Pass By - Polydor - UK - 56341. Watching the world going. She said that she loved me and alway be true, But she was high above me, there's only one thing to do, Bye baby baby bye bye little darling, and now she's flying blue. Watching The World Pass You By is a popular song by Rory Collins Create your own TikTok videos with the Watching The World Pass You By song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. Listen to Watching the World Pass You By on Spotify. Rory Collins Album 2016 12 songs.

There aren't many other places in the world where one can see two religions worshiping under the same roof side-by-side, completely tolerable and respectful of the others belief. Often you can enter a temple in Nepal and see Buddhist prayer wheels alongside dedications to a Hindu god, with devotees of each religion displaying acts of faith only meters away. To me this is what's special about Nepal and in many ways it speaks volumes about its people. Never in all my travels have I come across such humble friendly people, who at once make you feel at home and at ease, paying testament to this wonderful country.
It seems it's in the very nature of the Nepalese people to be welcoming and friendly. Once outside of Kathmandu, it's impossible to feel uneasy or threatened in any way. Striking up a conversation is easy and in a three day trek not once did I past a local without a friendly Namaste gesture. It's things such as this which make a country special. To be able to have a free flowing conversation with locals of all ages and from various backgrounds, all with a measure of humility and a genuine sense of friendliness, is important. There aren't many places in the world you could say this was the case.

I have been travelling. Excel online, free.

I've been up a mountain and at a beach through the course of the last 3 days and I have seen so much my head has still not processed all that my eyes have taken in. What a delightful predicament to be in!

I've seen rolling hills of vivid green, dotted with grazing cattle. I've seen lambs gambolling in large fields and I've seen llamas look up at our whizzing car with jaundiced eyes. I remember plastering my nose up against the window to watch when a pair of rambunctious kangaroos decided to escort us a few miles. Everywhere I looked all I saw was a land filled to the brim with life – flora and fauna.

And then, I remember driving through lands radiant in shades of browns and blacks. Download ibackup viewer for windows. I saw carcasses from roadkill through my car window. We drove for ages without setting eyes on a single sign of obvious life. I saw, what appeared to be, a land devoid of life and inhabitants of any sort – until a pair of camouflaged birds took to the air.

We're Watching The World Pass Us By

I saw a sea frothing at the mouth and I saw the same sea gently lapping a sandy shore. I saw birds I've seen all my life and some whose colorful existence were a lovely surprise.

I saw a whole lot more this last weekend but what I retained from the trip was the impression that our God is an incomparable artist. What supreme imagination it must take to conjure up such opposing vistas in the head, and then to speak them into creation; to create beauty that touches not just the senses but also all the hidden recesses of the head and heart; to create hills and seas that can dwarf the cares of the viewers with the reminder that His magnificence is not limited.


There aren't many other places in the world where one can see two religions worshiping under the same roof side-by-side, completely tolerable and respectful of the others belief. Often you can enter a temple in Nepal and see Buddhist prayer wheels alongside dedications to a Hindu god, with devotees of each religion displaying acts of faith only meters away. To me this is what's special about Nepal and in many ways it speaks volumes about its people. Never in all my travels have I come across such humble friendly people, who at once make you feel at home and at ease, paying testament to this wonderful country.
It seems it's in the very nature of the Nepalese people to be welcoming and friendly. Once outside of Kathmandu, it's impossible to feel uneasy or threatened in any way. Striking up a conversation is easy and in a three day trek not once did I past a local without a friendly Namaste gesture. It's things such as this which make a country special. To be able to have a free flowing conversation with locals of all ages and from various backgrounds, all with a measure of humility and a genuine sense of friendliness, is important. There aren't many places in the world you could say this was the case.

I have been travelling. Excel online, free.

I've been up a mountain and at a beach through the course of the last 3 days and I have seen so much my head has still not processed all that my eyes have taken in. What a delightful predicament to be in!

I've seen rolling hills of vivid green, dotted with grazing cattle. I've seen lambs gambolling in large fields and I've seen llamas look up at our whizzing car with jaundiced eyes. I remember plastering my nose up against the window to watch when a pair of rambunctious kangaroos decided to escort us a few miles. Everywhere I looked all I saw was a land filled to the brim with life – flora and fauna.

And then, I remember driving through lands radiant in shades of browns and blacks. Download ibackup viewer for windows. I saw carcasses from roadkill through my car window. We drove for ages without setting eyes on a single sign of obvious life. I saw, what appeared to be, a land devoid of life and inhabitants of any sort – until a pair of camouflaged birds took to the air.

We're Watching The World Pass Us By

I saw a sea frothing at the mouth and I saw the same sea gently lapping a sandy shore. I saw birds I've seen all my life and some whose colorful existence were a lovely surprise.

I saw a whole lot more this last weekend but what I retained from the trip was the impression that our God is an incomparable artist. What supreme imagination it must take to conjure up such opposing vistas in the head, and then to speak them into creation; to create beauty that touches not just the senses but also all the hidden recesses of the head and heart; to create hills and seas that can dwarf the cares of the viewers with the reminder that His magnificence is not limited.

'But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.' Job 12:7-10

Watching The World Pass You By

Reader, the God who created the mighty mountain that I saw also created that small flowering shrub outside your window. Whom I saw in the Aussie outback, you can see in your backyard because He made them all. It helped me put into perspective the worries my heart were carrying. How does one hold on to those when every living being in the vicinity is loudly declaring His power and presence? 🙂

World Passport

'On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.' Psalm 145:5

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